Ruby web scraping

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In today’s digital age, large volumes of information are freely available on the web. However, accessing and analyzing this information often proves to be a daunting task due to its unstructured nature. Web scraping effectively tackles this issue, providing the means to collect, structure, and process vast quantities of web-based data. This involves an intricate understanding of HTTP requests, web server responses, and ethical considerations surrounding data gathering. The potent Ruby programming language and its various libraries serve as powerful tools to carry out web scraping. This necessitates a grounding in Ruby’s syntax, constructs, and the handling of its packages using RubyGems and Bundler.

Understanding Web Scraping

Web scraping is the process where an automated scripting or program extracts data from web pages in a structured manner. It’s a means of copying data from a website and turning it into a format that is usable for various purposes. It can scrape data from tables, listings, profiles and any other format where data is publicly accessible. This process significantly simplifies data collection and storage, especially when accomplished through a scripting language such as Ruby.

Ethics Surrounding Web Scraping

Despite its vast utility, web scraping is bound by certain ethical and legal premises. First, always respect the website’s ‘robots.txt’ file and the restrictions it places. It’s also essential to avoid causing potential damage to a website’s server through aggressive data extraction. Some websites may also require explicit consent for data scraping activities. Always ensure you are ethically sourcing data and adhering to any privacy laws in place.

Uses in Data Gathering

Ruby web scraping finds extensive use in data gathering for various sectors. In digital marketing, scraping can provide data on consumer behavior, competition, and market trends. Researchers and academics often use scraping to collate data from multiple sources for studies and analyses. Journalists also utilize web scraping for investigative purposes, tracking online activities, and sourcing data-based stories.

Concept of HTTP Requests & Server Responses

To understand web scraping, it’s necessary to comprehend the basic concept of HTTP requests and server responses. When you access a web page, your browser sends an HTTP request to the server hosting the web page. The web server then responds by sending back the requested information, which is the HTML of the web page.

Web scrapers work similarly. The script sends an HTTP request to a website’s server, and then, by parsing the HTML received in response, it can extract the required data. It’s crucial to understand this interaction, as various elements of the HTTP request (such as headers, cookies, method, path, and query parameters) can affect the server’s response and alter the data you receive.

Ruby and Web Scraping

Ruby, with its simple and readable syntax, is an excellent tool for web scraping. The ‘open-uri’ and ‘Nokogiri’ libraries provide an easy-to-use toolkit that can send HTTP requests and parse HTML responses efficiently. It allows classifying and extracting data with RegExp or CSS and XPath selectors, making Ruby a go-to language for web scraping tasks. With proper understanding of HTTP requests, server responses and Ruby scripting, one can efficiently compile data from across the web.

Introduction to Ruby

Understanding Ruby Language and Syntax

Ruby is a dynamic, object-oriented programming language that was developed with a focus on simplicity and productivity. Its elegant syntax is natural to read and easy to write. To comprehend Ruby language and its syntax, you need to understand certain basic constructs such as Variables, Arrays, Methods, and Control Structures.

Variables in Ruby are places where data can be stored. Ruby supports five types of variables - Global, Instance, Local, Class, and Pseudo variables. Arrays in Ruby are ordered collections that hold objects like strings, numbers, etc. Methods in Ruby are blocks of code that can be defined and reused throughout the program to perform specific tasks. Control Structures include loop structures like “while”, “until”, “for”, etc., and conditional structures like “if”, “unless”, etc.

Understanding the syntax is vital. For instance, variable names are lowercase and words are separated by underscores. Method names should also be lowercase and the method definitions start with “def” and end with “end”.

RubyGems and Bundler: Tools to Manage Ruby Packages

RubyGems is a package manager for Ruby that provides a standard format for distributing Ruby programs and libraries. This is very useful because it allows you to easily manage the libraries (gems) your project depends on. You can install RubyGems by simply using the command gem install [gem name].

Bundler, on the other hand, is a dependency manager for Ruby projects. It makes sure Ruby applications run the same code on all machines. It does this by managing the gems that your application depends on. You should add all the gems your application needs to a file named “Gemfile” in your application root. Then, you can install all these gems with one command bundle install.

Bundler also locks the versions of your gems after installing them which means even if the new versions of the installed gems are released, bundler will still use the version specified in the Gemfile.lock file ensuring that the application doesn’t break due to updates in the gems.

Web Scraping with Ruby

Web scraping is a technique to extract data from websites. Ruby has several gems available specifically for web scraping. The ‘nokogiri’ gem is among the most popular choices for web scraping in Ruby. To perform web scraping, install the Nokogiri gem first using the command “gem install nokogiri”. Once it’s installed, you can require ‘nokogiri’ in your ruby file to use it for web scraping.

You can use the Nokogiri methods to fetch an HTML document from a URL, parse it and search for various HTML elements and their attributes. Remember, you should always respect the privacy of and regulations on the websites you are scraping from. It’s also important to sleep between requests in order not to overload the server with requests.

Ruby Libraries for Web Scraping

Ruby offers a wide range of libraries and tools for web scraping. These libraries aid in extracting and processing data from websites, which can be beneficial for numerous tasks such as data mining, data processing, and automation.


Nokogiri is a highly popular and powerful Ruby library for parsing HTML, XML and other types of documents. It relies on two parsing engines (libxml2 and xerces) for fast and comprehensive parsing. Nokogiri allows users to search through the DOM of a web page using CSS selectors, XPath or just by traversing through the nodes.

To use Nokogiri, you first need to install its gem. You can do this by running the command gem install nokogiri in your terminal.

After installation, you can use Nokogiri to scrape web content. Below is an example:

require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'

doc = Nokogiri::HTML(""))
doc.css('h1').each do |heading|
  puts heading.content

In this example, Nokogiri opens the URL, parses the HTML, and then, selects and prints out the content of all h1 tags.


Watir (Web Application Testing in Ruby) is not exactly a classic web scraping library. It is more of a tool for automating your browser, which helps when you need interact with JavaScript pages. With Watir, you can easily navigate, fill forms, click buttons, and do so much more.

To install Watir, you run gem install watir in your terminal.

Here is an example of how to use Watir:

require 'watir'

browser =
browser.goto ''
puts browser.title

In this script, a new browser instance is opened, navigates to the URL, prints out the title of the page, then closes the browser.

Other Libraries

While Nokogiri and Watir are top choices for many Ruby developers, there are other libraries available for more specific cases. Some of these include Mechanize, which combines Nokogiri and Net::HTTP for an easy-to-use scraping and web automation solution; HTTParty, a library for making HTTP requests; and Capybara, typically used for integration testing, but can also be used for web scraping as it can interact with JavaScript pages.

Each library has its own strength depending on your needs, some are excellent for easy and quick simple scrape tasks while others are best for complex tasks that involve interactions with web elements. Therefore, learning and getting familiar with these libraries will provide you with the right skills to tackle any web scraping challenges.

Creating a Simple Web Scraper

Installing Required Libraries

Web scraping in Ruby primarily requires two libraries - Nokogiri and httparty. Nokogiri is an open-source HTML, XML, SAX and Reader parser capable of searching documents via XPath or CSS3 selectors. httparty is a HTTP client library for Ruby, providing a chainable interface to set HTTP request details. To install these libraries, you will need to use Ruby’s package manager ‘gem’. Install them by running the following commands in your terminal:

gem install nokogiri
gem install httparty

Setting Up Your Scraper

To get started with webscraping, find the target URL from which you want to scrape data. For web scraping, your Ruby script should require the httparty and nokogiri libraries. To include these in your Ruby script, write the following lines at the top of your script file:

require 'nokogiri'
require 'httparty'

Making HTTP Request and Parsing the Response

Use httparty’s ‘get’ method to make the HTTP request. The ‘get’ method returns a response from which you extract page details. Parse this response with Nokogiri and convert HTML data to a usable format:

def scraper
  url = 'https://[your-target-url]'
  unparsed_page = HTTParty.get(url)
  parsed_page = Nokogiri::HTML(unparsed_page)

Finding Data and Extracting It

Using Nokogiri’s search capabilities and CSS selectors, look for and collect the data you require from the parsed page. CSS selectors provide a way to locate specific nodes in an XML or HTML document. They’re used to select and manipulate parts of an HTML document. The following example finds and lists all paragraph text in the HTML page:

def scraper
  url = 'https://[your-target-url]'
  unparsed_page = HTTParty.get(url)
  parsed_page = Nokogiri::HTML(unparsed_page)
  paragraphs = parsed_page.css('p').map(&:text)

Storing the Scraped Data

Data collected can be returned in various formats such as an array or a hash, and can be further processed to display, store in databases, or send as API responses. The appropriate method to store the data often depends on the specific needs of your project.

def scraper
  url = 'https://[your-target-url]'
  unparsed_page = HTTParty.get(url)
  parsed_page = Nokogiri::HTML(unparsed_page)
  blog_posts = []
  parsed_page.css('.blog-post').each do |post|
    title = post.css('h1').text
    content = post.css('p').text
    blog_posts << {title: title, content: content}

Note: Be mindful that not all websites are open to being scraped and scraping is subject to the terms and conditions or robots.txt of the website. Ensure that you have legal permission to scrape and use the data.

Handling Complex Web Scraping Tasks

In complex web scraping tasks, cookies and session information often become essential to navigate through web pages or maintain a certain state across them. Several websites today use JavaScript to load data, making it dynamic and not immediately available when the page loads. Scraping such websites requires an understanding of how to interact with JavaScript elements.

Managing Cookies and Session Information

When scraping websites where user sessions are important, utilizing cookies becomes crucial. The HTTParty gem in Ruby can be used to include cookies in the web requests. Create an instance of HTTParty::CookieHash and add the required cookies to it. You can use this cookie hash with every request to maintain your session.

For example:

cookies_hash =
cookies_hash.add_cookies({ "user_session_id" => "1234" })
response = HTTParty.get('', cookies: cookies_hash)

Scraping Dynamic Websites

For dynamic websites that load data with JavaScript, traditional scraping methods like Nokogiri may fall short. These websites require the page to fully load, and the scripts executed, before the full data is available.

Tools like Watir and Selenium WebDriver can be used in such scenarios. Both provide a way to interact with the page, much like a user would, loading JavaScript and allowing interaction with the site.

require 'watir'
browser =
browser.goto ''
puts browser.text

Please note that these tools are much slower than the traditional scraping methods as they need to load the full page and the associated scripts.

Using APIs as Alternative Data Sources

APIs provide a structured, reliable and often more efficient way of fetching data from a website. If the website you are trying to scrape offers an API, consider using it instead of direct scraping.

For example, if you want data from Twitter, you can use Twitter’s public API to query for the data you need in a structured JSON format. In Ruby, you can use gems like ‘twitter’ to interact with these APIs and fetch data.

client = do |config|
    config.consumer_key        = "YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY"
    config.consumer_secret     = "YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET"
    config.access_token        = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
    config.access_token_secret = "YOUR_ACCESS_SECRET"

tweets = client.user_timeline("twitter_handle", count: 10)
tweets.each { |tweet| puts tweet.text }

Note that many APIs require authentication and have usage limits, and they may require you to sign up or access keys for API usage.

In the realm of data acquisition and management, web scraping stands as an essential skill. Leveraging Ruby’s versatile tools and libraries, such as Nokogiri and Watir, one can effectively extract and process data from diverse websites. This proficiency not only involves creating basic web scrapers but also extends to handling complex tasks, like managing cookies, session information, and dealing with dynamic websites. Also, the utilization of APIs as alternative data sources enriches the capacity for data collection where web scraping may not be feasible. The mastery of web scraping with Ruby can empower professionals to fully harness the wealth of information available on the internet, thereby enhancing their role in the data-driven ecology of the contemporary digital world.


If you find this work useful, please cite it as:
  title   = "Ruby web scraping",
  author  = "Yaltirakli, Gokberk",
  journal = "",
  year    = "2023",
  url     = ""
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IEEE Citation
Gokberk Yaltirakli, "Ruby web scraping", September, 2023. [Online]. Available: [Accessed Oct. 19, 2024].
APA Style
Yaltirakli, G. (2023, September 10). Ruby web scraping.
Bluebook Style
Gokberk Yaltirakli, Ruby web scraping, GKBRK.COM (Sep. 10, 2023),


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